Chemicals used in Water Treatment


Sodium metabisulphite (SMBS) is the current standard preservation chemical used in RO plants during the shutdown. It is a cheap and efficient preservative, but its tendency to oxidize easily has several drawbacks.


Antiscalant is a pretreatment water additive for reverse osmosis system that is highly effective in preventing the membranes from scaling. Before the feed water enters the reverse osmosis membrane, an antiscalant is injected into the water and sent through the system.

Activated Carbon

Powdered Activated carbon is used by water treatment plants for taste and odour control and to ensure the removal of organic chemicals. PACs are added early in the treatment process to enable a period of sole contact time before other treatment chemicals are added to the water stream.

Treated Sand

Slow sand filters produce high-quality water without the use of chemical aids. Passing flocculated water through a rapid gravity sand filter strains out the floc and the particles trapped within it, reducing the number of bacteria and removing most of the solids.

Activated Alumina

Activated alumina has been identified by EPA as a Small System Compliance Technology (SSCT) for uranium, and can remove up to 99 percent of the contaminant, depending on pH and concentrations of competing ions. AA is also effective at removing other ions such as arsenate, fluoride, sulfate, and selenate.


Anthracite media is a filtration medium mainly used for water filtration and wastewater treatment. It has benefits such as higher service flow rates, longer filter runs, reduced backwash rates, and reduced head loss compared to single media filter beds and generally extends the life of the filter beds


MnO2 is used for the purpose of softening hard water by the removal of iron and other soluble metals from water. Manganese is generally used in the oxidation chamber of the water treatment plant for oxidizing soluble metals, mainly iron for making the water soft and drinkable


Birm® is an efficient and economical media for the reduction of dissolved iron and manganese compounds from raw water supplies. It may be used in either gravity-fed or pressurized water treatment systems. Birm® acts as an insoluble catalyst to enhance the reaction between dissolved oxygen (D.O.) and iron compounds.e


Lime-soda softening: This is a complex chemical precipitation process using CaOH and Soda Ash to raise the pH to extreme levels causing precipitation of CaCO3 and MgOH. Silica binds to the MgOH and settles out.